Grade 8 Tech / Bible classwork for December 16 2016

Hey everyone - today we are combining Bible and Technology class. Today you are going to learn how to study the most important book - the Bible. As we have been studying the reason and ways we defend the Bible a subject that goes hand and hand with apologetics is hermeneutics (pronounced her-men-new-tics. It means Biblical interpretation or leaning what the Bible means / says).

This is a skill I am sure you have been learning and I hope you get to learn more today and continue to learn and grow in in the future.

You are to go to the Focus on the Family website link below and read sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 in the series entitled "Why Study the Bible".

You are to read one section and then write a summary in OpenOffice. Save the file on your USB in your Bible folder. Name the document Why Study the Bible - Your name

Once you are done reading and writing the summaries for each section you are to then put it to practice. Study one of the 7 "I am" statements of Jesus. Choose on of the passages below to study. I have also included some links to various websites that will offer help and explanation of verses.

John 6:35, 48     I am the bread of life
John 8: 12, 9:5   I am the light of the world
John 10:9           I am the door
John 10:11         I am the good shepherd
John 11:25         I am the resurrection and the life
John 14:6           I am the way, the truth, and the life
John 15:1           I am the true vine

The next step is for you to take the knowledge you learned and teach it to another. You are going to do this by creating a powerpoint with OpenOffice for the purpose of helping you teach the steps to studying the Bible. Then you need to lean the people you are teaching through an exercises of application - you show them how to do it (you can use the application you did above)

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